Relationships Improve For 5 Zodiac Signs The Week Of May 20 - 26

The week of May 20 sees an infusion of Gemini energy as the sun, Venus, and Jupiter all move into this air sign, boosting partnerships for five zodiac signs. 

Gemini is a twin sign with a sense of duality, indicating the balance between your higher and human aspects. These two aspects of yourself are constantly present in every decision you make, but in order to achieve balance, you give each the opportunity to breathe and experience what they require the most.   

Gemini is stereotypically recognized for being more fun-loving, playful, and less willing to commit, but this doesn't have to cause problems in your relationship — especially if you recognize each other's progress and make room for new experiences together.   

While this energy can lead to a deeper connection, it is critical that you make decisions guided by your higher self rather than those motivated by your human impulses, which might drive you to seek pleasure in the moment without considering where it can go.   

As the sun, Venus, and Jupiter all enter Gemini, the ruler of your relationship sector, you are about to embark on an exceptionally exciting period in your love life. Jupiter will stay here for the next year, until 2025, making this an area of amazing growth and development. Jupiter is associated with expansion, good fortune, and abundance.  lsewhere.


The sun, Venus, and Jupiter will all enter your zodiac sign the week of May 20, so expect amazing changes in your life. The energy of the sun and Venus in Gemini will help you love yourself more profoundly, encouraging you to take advantage of romantic prospects in your life.   


While you like the security and constancy of your love connection, you are hesitant to make a larger commitment. All of this changes during the week of May 20, when the sun, Venus, and Jupiter all move into Gemini, the ruler of your marital house.   


Jupiter enters Gemini on Saturday, May 25, kicking off a complete year of expansion in your house, family, and emotional fulfillment. Jupiter is the planet of luck and abundance, and it usually brings opportunity for progress in whatever aspect of your life it touches. It helps you establish a stronger and happier home and family in Gemini.


The full moon in Sagittarius shines a light on your house of commitment on Thursday, May 23, bringing to fruition a theme or intention that began with the new moon in Sagittarius in December 2023, specifically around your relationship plans, agreements, and the personal freedom you and your partner require to live your fullest lives.  


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