Mango Ginger Rice Bowl

Welcome to another meal planning week! About a month ago, I wrote a five-part series about my basic food planning strategy.

This was the plan: I began the week with a predetermined amount of goods and meal ideas for five days, with each dish including components from the previous day. 

The "plan" was not etched in stone, so my dinners could be relatively flexible if I had a new idea halfway through the week. If you missed that series, check it out here.

After receiving such a positive response to the previous series, I decided to do it again. I chose this week because it's summer(!), which means we've spent more time outside, 

meandering through our neighborhood in the evenings, and eating out. I enjoy eating out, but after a while, I'm eager to dine in again.

So here's the first recipe of the week: this really delicious Mango Black Bean Ginger Rice Bowl, which is essentially a burrito bowl with Asian-ish ingredients.

If you've read our guidebook, you'll recognize the sauce/dressing here: it's a light tamari-lime vinaigrette, similar to the one I made for the Brussels Sprouts with Coconut Rice on page 63.

I adore this dressing since it is so simple but quite tasty - ideal for a bowl with numerous components.

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