How Gemini Season Affects Each Zodiac Sign's Weekly Love Horoscope Starting May 20

On Monday, May 20, the Moon in Libra will align with Mars in Aries, producing a powerful dynamic for you to follow your heart and who and what you truly want. The Moon in Libra helps you grasp your emotional sentiments for your current partner or someone new who you are interested in, but Mars in Aries creates a strong desire for you to take action.  


The Sun in Gemini places a heavy emphasis on what you value most in your relationship and in life. Gemini energy oversees your house of worth, and with the Sun entering this air sign, you can make the necessary modifications to make room for what is most essential to you. This energy corresponds with Jupiter's transit over the final degree of Taurus, which implies you may be in for some major upheaval as a year of progress comes to a close.   


Although your zodiac season and solar return are only getting started, a ripe Full Moon in Sagittarius directs your attention to your emotional well-being. Sagittarius is your opposite sign and rules over your romantic life; with the Full Moon in your sign, something essential is likely to come to completion at this time, which may need you to go through some difficult times with your partner.  


Venus enters Gemini on Thursday, May 23, sparking a strong urge to form a soul-deep connection. Gemini governs the area of your life that deals with soulmates or twin flames, and with Venus here, there is a strong romantic concentration on making that life-changing connection you seek.   


Jupiter has been transiting Taurus since 2023, providing expansive prospects and fresh breakthroughs, but as it coincides with Pluto retrograde in Aquarius, it boosts the possibility of a professional romance. Whether you've already connected with this person or met them unexpectedly on a work trip.


The Full Moon in Sagittarius will reach its height on Thursday, May 23, ushering in a great period of domestic intimacy in your partnership. Sagittarius rules the themes of home, family, and the close relationship you have with the person you love. As the Moon reaches its peak in this fire sign.


Friday, May 24, calls for crucial conversations, particularly concerning any intentions or obligations in your romantic connection. Mars in Aries is still going through your love life, giving you a stronger desire to form a new connection or strengthen an existing one. With the North Node also in Aries.


Jupiter is in the final critical degree of Taurus, the sign of your love life. As Jupiter prepares to enter a new zodiac sign, it will assist bring many of the lessons and themes you've been dealing with since 2024, when the planet of growth first entered Taurus.   


When Venus enters Gemini on Thursday, May 23, everything may appear to be seen through rose-colored lenses of love. Gemini rules your romantic sector, and with the planet of love, together with the Sun and Jupiter, entering this sign, you are truly allowing your heart to guide you.  


In a long-term relationship, you are frequently more concerned with the stability and foundation that you provide for your partner, since you like tangible displays of love. As the Sun enters Gemini on May 20, this focus switches to wanting to help you and your spouse become your best selves.   


Venus, the planet of love, will enter Gemini on Thursday, May 23, ushering in opportunities for fresh and exciting developments in your relationship. Venus in Gemini increases the possibility of an engagement or wedding during this period, as Gemini rules over your house of marriage, and with the planet of love here, the emphasis is on the romantic bond you have with your spouse.  


It's never too late to prepare for the love success you've always desired, especially if it's closer than you believe. Jupiter will enter Gemini on Saturday, May 25, beginning a year-long transit of this air sign, assisting you in expanding your emotional fulfillment and life as you make room for more love in your life.   


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