INGREDIENTS 4 slices sourdough bread 1 cup almond milk, or any other milk of your preference 2 Eggland's Best eggs, large 1 tbsp maple syrup 1 tsp vanilla extract 2 tsp ground cinnamon

 Combine milk and eggs in a shallow dish. Add the maple syrup, vanilla extract and ground cinnamon and whisk ingredients until fully combined.

Slice the sourdough bread into bite-sized pieces. Add about 10 pieces to the mixture, soaking and flipping them to coat the other side.  

Transfer to a heated sauté pan (over medium heat) that has been greased with butter or coated with non-stick spray.  

Flip each French Toast Bite after about 2 minutes and it has a nice golden brown color.  

Cook another 2 minutes or until golden and remove from the pan. Repeat this process until all the bites are used up.  

Top the French Toast Bites with some fresh berries and a maple syrup drizzle. Enjoy!  

These delectable treats are perfect for breakfast or brunch, offering a comforting blend of sweet and savory flavors.

2 Zodiac Signs Experience Abundance On May 15, After Mercury Enters Tauru