3 Zodiac Signs Whose Wishes Come True After Venus Enters Gemini On May 23

When we make a wish, the top three things that come to mind are'money, love, and health.' With money taking the top rank  

We've long abandoned the notion that'money is the source of all evil,' understanding that words wrongly spoken and quoted for all eternity are a far worse evil.   

We live in a world that necessitates money, so how can we assume that this is where evil begins? The power of words is far larger than we realize, and believing in them makes us slaves to them.  

That is why we may enjoy the concept of money: yearning for it, wanting it, and creating it.  

Instead of believing in the 'terrors' of money, let us focus our energies on drawing it our way, knowing we'll do something GREAT with it once we have it.  

Three zodiac signs are already on the way to abundance, as we regard money as a positive and never a negative thing.  

A Sagittarius Full Moon coincides with a Jupiter/Neptune alignment, indicating cash in the bank, money in hand, and plenty of abundance. Who wants to get paid? Let us do this.  


You are unstoppable when it comes to creating positive energy. When it comes to creating money out of thin air, you've totally committed to the Law of Attraction; nothing can stop you, or at least nothing can STAY in your way. You are a Taurus, and you are serious about business, as in money, money, money.  


May 23 is a day to recognize how your talents will propel you into a position of enormous abundance. Libra, you've always known how to play your cards well, and the Sagittarius Full Moon will show you that it takes action and focuses on making your fantastic ideas a reality. You're not here to waste your time; you've opted to go for the gold, and in doing so, you hope to elevate your social standing.


When you have a concept, Capricorn, you execute it efficiently and stylishly. You are a dedicated worker, and nothing can stop you once you decide to devote yourself to your cause. On May 23, during the Sagittarius Full Moon, you will be 'full' with wonderful ideas as well as the power and desire to see them through. You are, like Taurus, unstoppable.  

2 Zodiac Signs Experience Abundance On May 15, After Mercury Enters Tauru