2 Zodiac Signs Experience Abundance On May 24, When The Moon Aligns With Mar

If you want to live a rich life, you must be willing to take chances. The universe wholeheartedly supports you. Feeling supported by individuals near to you and the heavenly powers increases your trust, confidence, and hope that any risk will be worthwhile.  

On Friday, May 24, the Moon in Sagittarius will align with Mars in Aries, encouraging you to take the chances necessary to begin a new chapter in your life.   

Sagittarius and Aries are both fire signs, which means there will be a strong sense of motivation, determination, and success in taking action – especially if you can tap into the encouragement of being supported.   

As you lean into the post-Full Moon in Sagittarius energy from May 23, you can accept the direction Mars in Aries is pointing you in as you look toward the horizon. Instead of hesitation, there is enthusiasm because you can't wait to start living the life you know is your destiny.  

As the Sagittarius Moon aligns with Mars in Aries, embrace interactions with others and set aside time for meditations so that you may open up those support systems, which will be critical in embracing the luck to make your aspirations a reality.  

1. Pisces

The Sagittarius Full Moon on May 23 was a watershed event in your profession, but as it aligns with Mars in Aries on Friday, May 24, there is a gift of financial richness and abundance. While Sagittarius regulates your career, directing you to the most vital tasks.

2. Leo

Allow yourself to reconnect with your inner being. The part of you that had hopes, visions, and ideals about what life would bring and who you would become as a result of the experience. In this scenario, the support you require is not just from the universe or others, but rather from yourself.

it's also fine if you feel the need to make drastic adjustments to bring your life closer to your truth and inner goals. Life actually waits for you. All you have to do is get up and grasp it.  

2 Zodiac Signs Experience Abundance On May 15, After Mercury Enters Tauru