Two Zodiac Signs Enjoying Financial Success in 2024  

Wavy Line
Wavy Line

The other 10 zodiac signs don't have to wait for their 'emerald year' in 2024 because two are enjoying it. Astrologer and psychic reader Carol Starr says two zodiac signs may prosper financially this year.  

Financial improvements are likely for Leo suns and risings. Aries is a go-getter, therefore you never remain down. Mars-ruled Aries are energetic, driven, and intuitive about when to act. Not much scares or deters Aries. Often, you're fearless.  


However, Jupiter, the planet of abundance, will help you accomplish better this year. At least until May, Aries and Aries ascendants have Jupiter in their second house of money and earned income. Jupiter transits your second house only every 12 years, so look back to June 2011–June 2012 for a preview.  

Uranus, the unexpected, transits your second house. April will see Uranus conjunct Jupiter. Uranus, which causes disturbance, can also provide sudden wealth when it conjuncts Jupiter. This combination could offer wonderful Taurus news, including money, love, and unexpected possibilities.  

On May 25, Jupiter departs Taurus and enters Gemini, your third house of ideas and thinking, which will increase during the coming year. As summer begins, your mind may race with possibilities.  

Leo suns and risings should do well financially this year.   Lucky Jupiter is in your career 10th house till late May. Career growth and fresh prospects are normal when Jupiter transits the 10th house. Take a risk and focus on your job now. Therefore, act quickly this spring because this opportunity won't come again for 12 years.  


Jupiter-Uranus will also be in your 10th house. Be prepared for unexpected possibilities and don't turn away networking or other opportunities to advance because they can arrive when you least expect them.  

While your work may improve this year, Leo, preserve your money because Saturn in Pisces through February 2026 may leave you financially dependent on yourself.  

In Gemini on May 25, Jupiter enters your 11th house, which rules groups, friends, and hopes and wishes. This indicates your luck will be here all year. Attend all ‘groups’ networking events.   

Company or outside group advancement may be possible. Leo likes to do things big, but now is the time to pursue long-held aspirations since you have a better-than-average chance of succeeding. The 11th house governs friends. Your warmth and charm should help you expand your network, Leo!  

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