Sweet & Spicy Popcorn

Popcorn this time of year reminds me of something that has become a bit of an American tradition: massive multi-gallon canisters of flavored popcorn.   

You know the kind: they're the size of an oil drum, divided into three sections on the interior, and contain a literal ton of popcorn.   

It seems like a nice idea: popcorn is inexpensive, so why not preserve it in a sticky, sugary shell to savor throughout the month of December?  

Well, the truth is that I always eat nearly half of it on the first day, feel bad, and then toss out the rest in February.  

So, naturally, Jeanine made her version a little healthier, but I can assure you that it is just as addictive.  

It takes the sweet and spicy approach, because why not? It's made with maple syrup, cinnamon,  

and a pinch of cayenne. It makes an excellent gift, if you can resist eating handfuls of it before packaging it. (I apologize, Jeanine).  

Ingredient – 8 to 10 cups plain popped popcorn – 3 tablespoons sunflower oil – 3 tablespoons maple syrup – ½ teaspoon cinnamon – pinch of cayenne pepper – ¼ teaspoon sea salt

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