Pisces Love Horoscope For Every Month Of The Year

A recap of Juno's retrograde in Virgo begins the new year. Virgo, your opposite sign, oversees love and relationships, so while Mercury is notorious for bringing exes back, this may too.   


This month is your zodiac season, and life picks up again. The Virgo Full Moon in your relationship house may also complete something started around the August 2023 New Moon.  



There won't be much romantic energy for you this month, but there will be future chats.  

Juno stations direct in Virgo, indicating that interactions and internal processes over the past several months are leading to a new realization.  



Everything changes for the better this month. Jupiter enters Gemini, bringing expansion, abundance, and new experiences.   

Start June by focusing on each moment and not getting ahead of yourself. At the conclusion of the month, Saturn stations retrograde in Pisces while Venus enters Cancer.  


The Cancer New Moon offers great chances for new love or a surprise proposal. Jupiter in Gemini encourages relocation, so you may elope in love happiness.   


As much as the past few months offered new opportunities and growth, there is going to be a slowdown, at least for a month or so, as you reflect, talk through things with your partner, and make a plan for what you both want for your future. 


Pisces' Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in September is the first in the Pisces-Virgo cycle, making it thrilling.   


Pisces' Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in September is the first in the Pisces-Virgo cycle, making it thrilling.   


When you know someone wants to fight, do not answer every text or message. It may be best to focus on yourself, stay present, and create clear boundaries. You deserve it. 


Saturn stations direct in Pisces, which will help you feel more confident and clearer about the next stage of your life. Although Jupiter is still retrograde, Saturn direct will enable you to make important decisions about your life and help you understand the process of growth that has been involved. 


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