Our first date ended in bed, and I'm now married to the love of my life. 

He kissed me on a park seat overlooking the city lights, and everything fell apart. As we whirled up, I gripped the bench wood for support.  

We merged with the universe as the city lights became stars like a movie special effect.  

A kiss like it had never happened before. I wanted more now. This was our first date, yet we went back to his house and remained up all night sharing beautiful, intoxicating intimacy.  

I found, slept with, and fell in love with my soulmate six months after leaving my ex while still in the process of divorce.   

My husband and I have two lovely boys. Does this mean you should sleep with every guy on your first date? Of course not. Should you not? Depends.  

Many say you shouldn't. I disagree. My experience ranged from sleeping with men I didn't want to but didn't know how to avoid to not sleeping with men I wanted to because I felt guilty  

I've believed in "do what you will and harm none" and sinful physical closeness. Counting the men I slept with made me unhappy, humiliated, and unclean  

I've even considered maybe sleeping with the guy sooner would have prevented my nine-year emotionally abusive marriage. He was a poor lover, but he manipulated me while we waited.  

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