Optical Illusion: You Have 20/20 Vision If You Can Spot The Owl Hidden In The Tree In 9 Second

 Brains create optical illusions by making us perceive things that aren't there. Evolution has a crucial role in this fascinating occurrence.  

 Why does this happen? Survival requires speedy responses, so the brain processes incoming input and assembles partial information.  

 Interestingly, the brain uses color, patterns, and light and shadow to generate this effect. So, what we see is not what we get.   

 Since ancient Greece, optical illusions have actually shaped history.  

 The ancient Greeks, fascinated with symmetry ,,,

 and straight lines, employed this on temple roofing. To simulate curves, they used slanted angles. But this visual trickery is older.  

 Epicharmus, a 5 B.C. Greek philosopher, believed that our senses, not our thoughts, misread optical illusions.   

 Protagoras believed the environment affects how our senses perceive information.  

 Plato disagreed. He believed our eyes and minds work together to perceive the world.  

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