On May 16, three zodiac signs triumph over heartache and let go of their sadness.

Thursday, May 16, 2024 has interesting happenings. Taurus season makes us feel strong, but it also makes us feel alone. Although we appreciate alone, something in our brains and hearts makes us despise it little. We feel alone during Virgo's Waxing Gibbous  

Virgo energy pulls us in and makes us question whether we want all this power and solitude. Three zodiac signs may have thought their choice would lead to glory. It's Thursday, and we may be wondering if we made the correct choice.  

1. Aries  

Aries, do you ever feel alone in a crowd? You've probably felt this way. May 16 may bring that persistent feeling of 'isolation.' You may not be alone, yet your thoughts prevent you from enjoying the moment.  

Virgo's Waxing Gibbous pushes people 'deep in thought' down the rabbit hole of additional thinking, making this simple to feel. You realize you're not alone and can ask for aid. Your mind tells you otherwise as you feel more alone each day.  

2. Gemini

You normally choose solitude, Gemini. Even though you're a social person who enjoys the company of friends and romantic partners, May 16 makes you feel alone. You're not self-pitying. However, the Waxing Gibbous in Virgo makes you feel pushed aside.  

You know deep down that no one has done this to you. You're still struggling with the energy around you. Feel lonely, isolated, and excluded. Maybe you put yourself here, Gemini? Knowing it may reverse it, which is likely the bottom line. You regret excluding others since you weren't feeling social.

3. Virgo

You suffer something nobody other does. Your issue is so intimate and lonely that you sometimes feel melancholy. Because you can't share your burden, you suffer it alone. You're typically stoic about the procedure, but Thursday brings you down.  

That's OK—you'll recover and days like these happen. During Virgo's Waxing Gibbous, you realize your distinctions. You differ from everyone you know. You sometimes relish this distinction, but Thursday, May 16, makes you nervous. You don't always like being 'this different.'  

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