Installing a Wallet-Based Smart Tracker in Your Vehicle  

Wavy Line

Our daughter needs mobility for a Midwest summer job. Because her automobile was in California, we used an auto shipping firm to ship it.  

The company offered us the driver's name and phone number to track his location, but I didn't want to bother him. Instead, I put the Chipolo CARD Spot Wallet Finder Bluetooth tracking card in the trunk.  

Since the driver lifted the car into his truck's top level the other day, I've been obsessed with tracking it. My family says I stalk the driver. Simply being a responsible car owner. Is semantics right?  

By the way, Chipolo cards are credit card-sized and thick. Designed to fit in a wallet with credit cards. So if you lose your wallet or handbag, or if it gets stolen, you can use Apple's Find My app to find it, sound a loud alarm, and notify anyone who finds it via its “lost mode” option. A innovative use of technology. Also waterproof.  

Its ease of use was my first impression. Simply take it out of the box, push the only button, add it to your app, and pair it. Perhaps 20 seconds were spent on the process. It only works with the Find My app, but the business will soon release a Google Find My card.  

A two-year non-replaceable battery is within. Once the battery dies, Chipolo offers a subsidized renewal program.  

It worked, but how? Actually, fairly good. I tracked it across America. The specific address is shown almost often. I've seen the trucker's nighttime parking, lunch spot, and other pick-up and drop-off locations. Maybe I'm stalking him.  

The card loses connection for a few minutes to many hours in distant regions. I observed the tracker on a little New Mexico highway. I got an update three or four hours later. I tried refreshing the app, but it happened many times. But it always returned online. According to my sources, Bluetooth cards function that way.  

I'm looking forward to having it in the trunk all summer to monitor the automobile. Even our daughter, who works in a dangerous neighborhood, is fine with the Bluetooth card hidden.  

Although tracking gadgets like this have many uses, especially in luggage while traveling, I feel better knowing where the automobile is at all times.  

Every person I told estimated that half of auto owners shipping like me have done the same thing. Having trusted items like the Chipolo is fantastic. The price is $35.  

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