Chia Coconut Pudding and Coconut Milk  

This coconut milk and chia seed pudding is a nutritious substitute for packaged treats. Rich in omega-3s, chia seeds are a terrific addition to sweets. 


– 2 cups sweetened coconut milk – 6 tablespoons unsweetened coconut milk – 1 tablespoon agave nectar, or more to taste


– ½ teaspoon vanilla extract – ¼ teaspoon ground cinnamon – 1 pinch salt


– ½ cup chia seed – ½ cup diced fresh strawberries (Optional)


In a dish, whisk together coconut milks (sweetened and unsweetened), agave nectar, vanilla essence, cinnamon, and salt. Stir in chia seeds. 

Let the mixture soak for at least 20 minutes, or cover the bowl with plastic wrap and keep it in the refrigerator for the entire night. 

.Mix pudding and sprinkle strawberries on top. 

You can substitute milk, soy milk, or almond milk for coconut milk. However, this will change the flavor. 

Randy Travis uses AI to release new songs after a stroke. 

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