Apple Cinnamon Crunch Overnight Oats

It's December. How has that happened already? With the holidays approaching, you're busy (as am I!).   

All the more reason to have a quick and invigorating meal ready to go in the morning. This dish takes less than 5 minutes to prepare at night and is ready in the morning.  

I admit that I was late to the overnight oats fad, but I'm now rather fascinated. What I love about them is that they're creamy without being chewy, and the flavor combinations are unlimited!   

I love this version with blueberry jam that I made in the summer; this fall/winter apple version is equally excellent but quite different.  

It's just oats, almond milk, chopped apples with a squeeze of lemon, and your favorite granola. It's remarkable how something so simple can provide so much satisfaction.  

I've been storing these in my fridge (they last about three days) for myself and Jack. This dish was inspired by one found on the Quaker Oats website, which has a variety of creative overnight oat combinations.   

Check out this post for several additional ways to use oats, including overnight oats, steel-cut oatmeal, and savory porridge!  

Speaking of Christmas crazy, we had the opportunity to get a jump start on our holiday shopping this weekend at the Renegade Craft Fair in Chicago at the Bridgeport Arts Center.   

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