7 Best Frozen Foods for Weight Lo

As if you needed another reason to like berries. Frozen berries are one of the best foods to keep in your freezer for weight loss. A 1-cup portion of frozen mixed berries contains 60 calories, 3 grams of satisfying fiber, 1 gram of protein, and 70% of your daily vitamin C requirements.  

1. Mixed Berry Blend

Frozen vegetable blends make an excellent addition to your freezer because they are washed, pre-cut, and ready to incorporate into your meals or serve as a side dish. Natker also like frozen stir-fry veggie mixtures.  

2. Stir-Fry Vegetable Mix

Because of the rising interest in plant-based eating, manufacturers are launching a variety of meals that are high in plant-based protein and fiber.   

3. Plant-Based Ready-to-Eat Meals

You may have heard us talk about the benefits of salmon's omega-3 content (think brain health and anti-inflammatory properties), but there's also good news for weight reduction.  

4. Alaskan Salmon Burgers

Mohr and Natker both prefer frozen chicken strips (or a plant-based alternative). "These aren't just good for the kids, they're great for adults, too, and are a fantastic freezer staple that can help you meet your protein goals," Mohr says.  

5. Breaded Chicken (and Chik’n) Strips

Yes, you can fulfill your sweet taste while working toward your weight loss objectives. "I always end the day with a bit of ice cream or a frozen treat," Natker explains.   

6. Fudge Pops

Take a stroll down the frozen breakfast aisle and you'll see the variety of protein-packed toaster waffles. "Breakfast is easy and portion-controlled with whole-grain frozen waffles I can just pop in the toaster," Natker states.   

7. Toaster Waffles

"I top them with cottage cheese for protein and berries for a filling breakfast," she explains.  

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