3 Zodiac Signs Who Overcome Fear & Pursue Their Dreams On May 16

Get set, aim, and fire! This is how we will feel on Thursday, May 16, when three zodiac signs will find themselves pursuing a goal they are positive will come true on account of the Waxing Gibbous Moon in Virgo, the height of Taurus season.  

This day is dedicated to individuals who are driven, self-assured, and unafraid to go above and beyond to accomplish something remarkable.  

Although Virgo transits are always beneficial to dreamers worldwide, it appears that this Waxing Gibbous lunar phase is just the start.  

We are on a path to tremendous achievement, and we have perseverance and tenacity in our back pockets. Three signs of the zodiac know what it's like to work quietly toward an objective; on this one, only the strong will prevail.  

It's crucial to understand that we shouldn't interfere with this group of dreamers while they are traveling. We don't know when it will end, but what starts on May 16 might wind up being quite successful. We understand that we have to allow it to occur during this Waxing Gibbous in Virgo.   

The chase is underway. They have fired the pistol into the air and blown the whistle. Those of us with dreams will chase after them with all of our might, and we will unquestionably win the prize.  

This is not only an excellent opportunity for you to try something new, but it's also your last week of birthday season. You have such a crazy sense of optimism, Taurus. You have a great sense of self-worth and feel like you can accomplish anything.  


There's something about Thursday's Waxing Gibbous Moon in Virgo that makes you feel good about your dream and full of drive and excitement to pursue it. Now that you've assembled the strategy and it is grounded in fact rather than fiction, you will achieve your goals.  


If you've learnt anything at all this lifetime, it's that you can create everything you desire if you are completely focused and obsessed. You've also discovered that if your heart isn't into anything, the doubt that follows will put an end to that dream and reveal your true feelings.   


Horoscope For Each Zodiac Sign On May 15 — The Quarter Moon Is Here